Smart Tips for Charitable Giving

A recent survey indicates that many donors still have questions about how they can make their giving more effective. In fact, two-thirds of those surveyed said that while they’d like to give more, they are concerned by factors that make it more difficult for them to give as much as they’d really like to.

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LGBTQ+ Financial Planning: Some Important Considerations

While many important advances have been made in recent years in both the legal and social landscape, LGBTQ+ individuals still face many unique challenges, many of which have financial implications. This means that LGBTQ+ persons, whether single, partnered, or legally married, need financial planning advice that recognizes and takes into account these special challenges.

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What Women Need to Know about Divorce and Finances

Facing up to the reality of a failed marriage is one of the most difficult life passages anyone can be called to make. No matter who initiates the dissolution of a marriage, it is tough for everyone involved: emotionally, legally, socially, and financially.

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A Simple Guide to Understanding TIAA’s Unique Structure

In this post, I aim to demystify TIAA’s structure by breaking it down into 7 distinct layers. We will start with the broadest layer (TIAA itself) and work our way down to the most specific (the individual investments available to you in your TIAA contracts).

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My University Offers a Phased Retirement Plan. Should I Accept It?

Phased retirement programs have long been a tool used by universities to retain key faculty members, facilitate institutional knowledge transfer, manage costs, and attract new talent.
As a professional financial advisor dedicated to helping professors plan for retirement, I’m an advocate for phased retirement programs, but that doesn’t mean they are right for everyone.

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