Your Insights

Financial Literacy: A Tool for All Ages

While it may be true that “knowledge is power,” it’s still surprising how little knowledge most people have about money, saving, and investing. Recently a popular financial website gave a quiz on investing concepts, asking questions about very basic concepts like what stock ownership means, the definition of diversification, and the effects of compound interest. The average respondent was able to answer just under half of the questions correctly (48%).

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Grandparents and Gifting: Doing It the Right Way

We’ve written previously about various ways grandparents might want to structure the financial gifts they provide for their grandchildren. Grandparents may wish to include their grandchildren in their annual gifting plans as a regular part of their estate planning; in 2024, by combining their individual gift tax exclusions, a married couple filing jointly can gift as much as $36,000 to one or more individuals.

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Staying Put: Planning Tips for Aging in Place

The fact that many of us will enjoy longer lifespans brings up some questions that our ancestors didn’t need to consider: How do I want to spend my retirement years? How much will it cost to live the way I want to live? Do I want to continue to work part-time after retirement—or even start a new career? All of these considerations are important, but there is one more that perhaps trumps them all: Will I stay in my home, or move into a retirement community?

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Tips for Keeping Your Estate Plan “In Plan”

You had a will drawn up, signed, and notarized; you created a power of attorney and a health care directive. You’re all done, right? Your estate planning is set, and you can move on to more pleasant endeavors.

Not necessarily.

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Social Security and Retirement Planning: Making the Right Calls

After all your years of working, saving, and paying taxes, you’re finally approaching retirement, and it’s time to ensure your benefits and income sources are in place. For many retirees, Social Security benefits make up a sizeable portion of the funds you’ll need to maintain your retirement lifestyle.

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Smart Tips for Charitable Giving

A recent survey indicates that many donors still have questions about how they can make their giving more effective. In fact, two-thirds of those surveyed said that while they’d like to give more, they are concerned by factors that make it more difficult for them to give as much as they’d really like to.

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Good Coverage: Your Changing Insurance Needs

Many of us think of insurance as the product we hope we’ll never need. Indeed, insurance remains a vital part of most financial plans. For many of the important things in life, it makes sense to shift some or all of the financial burden onto an insurance company. And in many cases—your home and your vehicles, for example—insurance is a legal requirement.

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Divorce in Mid-Life and Later: The Financial Ramifications

For various reasons, the divorce rate in the United States is falling—except for one important demographic: those 50 and older. Dissolution of marriages that have lasted for 30 or more years is, unfortunately, on the rise, having doubled since the 1990s, according to US Census Data.

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