Divorce in Mid-Life and Later: The Financial Ramifications

For various reasons, the divorce rate in the United States is falling—except for one important demographic: those 50 and older. Dissolution of marriages that have lasted for 30 or more years is, unfortunately, on the rise, having doubled since the 1990s, according to US Census Data.

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LGBTQ+ Financial Planning: Some Important Considerations

While many important advances have been made in recent years in both the legal and social landscape, LGBTQ+ individuals still face many unique challenges, many of which have financial implications. This means that LGBTQ+ persons, whether single, partnered, or legally married, need financial planning advice that recognizes and takes into account these special challenges.

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What Women Need to Know about Divorce and Finances

Facing up to the reality of a failed marriage is one of the most difficult life passages anyone can be called to make. No matter who initiates the dissolution of a marriage, it is tough for everyone involved: emotionally, legally, socially, and financially.

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My Escape to Sylvan

by Michelle Maton, CFP® Sometimes the risks we take are embodied by the life choices we make. Typically, one of my responsibilities as a financial planner

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Year-End Tax Tips

by Michelle Maton, CFP® & Rob Baner, CPA Now that we’re settling into the revisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, we find though much

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Holiday Spending 2018

by Michelle Maton, CFP® Spending this holiday season is estimated to run up to $1 trillion (yes, that is trillion with 12 zeros). We will spend

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