My University Offers a Phased Retirement Plan. Should I Accept It?

Phased retirement programs have long been a tool used by universities to retain key faculty members, facilitate institutional knowledge transfer, manage costs, and attract new talent.
As a professional financial advisor dedicated to helping professors plan for retirement, I’m an advocate for phased retirement programs, but that doesn’t mean they are right for everyone.

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When Is “Retirement Age”? Well, It Depends…

“Retirement age” doesn’t mean the same thing it did twenty years ago—or even ten years ago. From the “FIRE” movement—with advocates focused on retiring in their 50s or younger—to those pursuing a “second act”—a second career following a full first career—retirement age has come to mean many different things to many different people. But what’s the right age for you? Our article can help you decide.

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Take This Job, I’m Retiring

With an increasing contingency of employees opting for early retirement, Andy Baxley, CFP®, Sr. Financial Planner at our Chicago office, shares with Kiplinger a couple of keys areas to evaluate

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